We Specialize in
Environmental Commodities

Spruce Environmental Commodities Markets (ECM) can assist in meeting your company’s goals in sourcing credits, maximizing SREC revenue or limiting future exposure to volatility in environmental commodities.

Marketplace Offerings:

Renewable Energy Credits

As an owner and operator of one of North America’s largest rooftop solar portfolios, Spruce’s ECM team has years of experience reporting, minting, and transacting RECs in PJM GATs, NEPOOL, NARs, and WREGIS.  If you or your organization is seeking assistance in identifying, registering, minting, or sourcing of RECs in these registries, Spruce can assist.

In addition, we can serve as a transaction partner/market maker for purchasing or marketing any RECs your organization owns.

Carbon Credits

As the efforts to address climate change have arrived at the forefront of ESG minded investors, so to have GHG credits. Carbon offsets have gained strong consideration as one tool to identify, abate and/or remove, and track the lifecycle of carbon emissions globally. The science of carbon reductions has standardized the process of reducing carbon emissions, tracking those reductions, and allowing interested parties to invest and retire GHG emissions in achieving their internal climate goals.

Marketplace Transactions

Spruce Power has existing relationships with numerous producers of high quality GHG offsets, sourced from the US and globally. We can identify unique certified credits related to our clients’ investment focus, and secure reductions that fit within a bespoke ESG solution.

“Spruce’s ECM group is one of the first to register California residential solar sites for full SREC sales. With over 120 megawatts registered, and more added every quarter, Spruce has both the skills and the scale to be one of the nation’s premier producers of California SRECs.”

David DeVooght (Head of Environmental Commodities Markets)


Enivronmental Marketplace

Spruce Pro serves as a market maker for purchasing RECs to meet your goals as well as marketing any RECs your organization owns.

Buyer-Side Transacting

Spruce Pro’s market experts can help you acquire carbon offsets (GHG credits), RECS, and other environmental commodities to align with your company’s carbon goals.

Seller-Side Transacting

Spruce Pro’s robust mechanisms for registering, minting, and transacting in RECs makes us a right-fit partner for helping your organization find buyers for your environmental commodities

Reach out to Spruce’s ECM Team:

David DeVooght

David DeVooght

Head of Environmental Commodities Markets

David is an experienced analyst in the energy industry. With past work spanning Renewable Energy, Environmental Commodities and Oil and Gas, David brings an industry-leading perspective to ECMs to increase revenue, lower costs and meet corporate carbon goals. David holds a Master of Environmental Management from Yale University.



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